Jesse-James Parr

Born the blood of world champion Muay Thai Kickboxers, Jesse-James "The Mini Gunslinger" Parr has fighting literally woven into his DNA.

At only 15 years of age this mixed martial arts prodigy has the world in his guard.
Holding a yellow belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and training under the Professorship of Daniel 'Jacaré' Almeida and coach Dylan Bedford of the Gold Coast BJJ Academy, Jesse-James thrives under pressure and has been tearing shreds off the competition throughout 2022.

Jesse-James holds the 2022 IBJJ Pan Pacific Kids Under 14 Gold Medal, he won Silver at the 2022 Pan Kids, picked up Gold at the AJJC in Melbourne 2022, and he holds 3X Gold ABJJ QLD State Championship titles.

Jesse-James' ambition is to become a professional MMA fighter, he remarks "it's not about the gold around your neck... it's about the gold in your heart". Needless to say - there is no shame in owning both. Go Jesse-James!

Wolf PacK lOGO
Reece Lightning Mclaren | Daniel Jacaré Almeida | Chilli Harel